The main purpose of this paper is to design the Model of Generalized Technical System (MGTS) which derives from spread analysis of presently existing models of technical systems. Undertaken considerations are aimed to indicate a suitable general model based on observed homology between currently existing technical systems in e.g. different transport branches. It is predicted that the following model will be usable in various analyses domains where some technical objects already exist or will exist in the future. Using the systems methodology, systems engineering and technical object oriented attitude, authors design and present the Model of Generalized Technical System. Authors assume that the technical object means a kind of facility (e.g. vehicles, part of infrastructure etc.) in the specific analyses domain. A tree-shaped scheme of the model’s decomposition is consistent with some general rules of the organizational taxonomy of any technical objects' operator. Moreover, the scheme presents – in a general way – an operation process of technical objects and arranges the latter ones according to their reliability states. The future application of the model will provides clear and comprehensible configuration and presentation of technical systems which include various kinds of technical objects.
technical object (facility), Generalized Technical System, Model of Generalized Technical System, systems methodology